Pre-Selection And The Rivals

>> 25 July 2006

Today I meet the bowling manager, from that I know that it was confirmed that today around 8.30 pm is the date for the selection. The college didn't give anything such as transport or others. The players need to provide on their own.

About the selection, the order from the college, ask the manager to seek for players who can play the best. The minimum requirement score is 150. There are around 30 candidates and only 4 will be chosen. Inferior. That was the suitable feeling for me today.

I training again today, around 3 hours. Again with some instruction from Shark, the Skudai Bowl staff. With that bright blue hook bowling ball, I trained myself. I did better points today. The highest was around 130 points. Some were around 110-120 points.

Also, the mets with two bowlers from rival college. They're good. They have many experiences than me and they done turkeys! They have own balls, own shoes, and the gauntlet. They used 15 pounds balls. I only used 10 pounds ball. House ball. Most of all they are that college's player. Meaning, they're rival to my college bowlers, and will be my rivals if I'd become the chosen one. Also, they are from the the college that very known for the athlete college. That college collected many athletes to stay in there.

Well, I need to take some rest today. Preparing myself for tonight college bowlers' selection event. I prayed for it. I think, if selected, I have days to improve myself.




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