No Hook - Thanks To Kenn Melvin Guide

>> 20 July 2006

Again, I think the real problem cause me to got these tight and thumb aches are because of these factors:

1. I not streching on a proper amount of time.
2. I did the hook, using heavy ball although I am a beginner.
3. I passed on none stopped bowling training action which stressed my thigh a lot.

Actually I got stressed on my left thigh and my right thumb. The ache can be feeled at the downside of the thumb, near to palm.

(=.=") Well I I cannot make it on that day, let be someone who can make a good sake for the college.

But... I will not take myself as a loser from now. I need to rearrange myself. I still do not know either there are better bowlers around in the same college. Surely, the rivals from other colleges had shown their saviour chance of standing the champion ways.

I am preparing myself by technical and theoritical aspects.




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