EFT and The Hook Style

>> 22 July 2006

I learn hook style yesterday. Got many busy thing to do yesterday (Friday). Teach some students, classes, visit my sister and then put into bowling training.
I am totally a beginner for bowl. I learn to throw a hooking style. From that I know that the size for hook ball must be heavier than straight thrower. Not only that, there also how the finger hole should be made. Hook ball is different than common.

Take the 1-2-3 to hook.

Perhaps, someone asking me how I recovered from the pain I mention in the past entry. Really, I followed the Emotional Freedom Technique that I mentioned before. It worked!

Just spend my time on the website, read it for some minutes. Tried and it really happened. My thumb and thigh are now okay. I threw hook!

I need a lot of practice. There should be more stronger and experiences candidates for the selection. Well, I just keep trying and continue to train. Hope to see some improvement.

Well, I should take some rest tomorrow and put into action on the following days. Tuesday is coming.

Again, I would end my entry with this quote:

"Even though I am just learning to bowl,I fully and completely accept myself."




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