A Beginner Talk About Bowlers

>> 23 July 2006

I started to learn about bowling more today. Usually about the hook style. I see some bowlers in club. It seem that those bowlers exist with watching and try from an error. Yes. The different lane sometimes different give different results.

Hook style is a need to throw with power. I see some skill today at the bowling centre. The hookers club. Four men using 12 and 13 pounds ball, hook and spinning into the tenpin. But sometimes they make spare. But they do collect around 250 points. The highest are around 290 points. Hook really need heavy ball and full throwing.

There are many bowlers approaching styles. It seem that most bowlers (right-handed) took the right side to throw hookie. They approach in straight line and hit the 1-2-2 with very powerful rev. And the ball hit strikes.

Hook is very different from straight. Must be aware about the hook. If it come to spare, some hooker seem to be a little of problem to make a 10 point of that frame. When I come to use hook, I found myself to put into a bit problem to finish a spare. Well then I continue to straight throwing.

I think I am really a beginner. Well. Just see what I can do in the selection. I cannot count it all or make a strong hope to be chosen. Since that is not a win for me, but for the college and all the people living in that college. I cannot make it a strong hope since it is not personal matter, but it does have something to do to motivate my pupils and it is a submission that I think I capable of.

To show that the pupils should not leave the academic because only they're good at sport. They should know that they're able to do submission in many things. A future.

Because of this matter, I put a quarter of my life as a bowler. For now, as a beginner.




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